At the center of internal communication lie three fundamental areas, as outlined by Mast (2016): the intranet serving as a communication platform, magazines and printed materials, and personal communication.
1. Intranet as a Communication Platform
The initial core aspect of internal corporate communication is the intranet serving as a communication platform. As noted by Mast (2016), an intranet represents a significant enhancement in communication processes, aiding stakeholders in task completion and project collaboration. Companies customize and utilize intranets to meet specific needs and objectives. Flexibility and accessibility are crucial in this context; an intranet platform ensures information dissemination without hierarchical barriers and is available at all times (given an internet connection).
Nevertheless, certain challenges exist. The abundance of information makes it challenging to locate pertinent data. Employees may resist using their company's intranet if they do not perceive any tangible benefits. Consequently, internal communication specialists may hesitate to post new content, leading some employees to view the intranet as an outdated platform. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts from internal communication professionals and other departments to evolve and enhance the internal corporate communication network.
2. Magazines and Printed Services
The second important aspect of internal corporate communication encompasses magazines, particularly employee magazines, and printed services. Employee magazines serve the purpose of providing context, offering background information, and conducting evaluations and analyses. They play a crucial role in making company identities tangible, helping employees navigate within the organization, and strengthening the connection between employees and the company.
Employee magazines become particularly relevant when some employees have limited or no access to electronic media. Additionally, internal printed magazines instill trust as they are professionally produced, contributing to enhanced transparency. These publications foster a sense of unity, creating a "we-feeling" wherein each employee perceives themselves as an integral part of the organization or company.
3. Personal Communication
The third fundamental aspect of internal corporate communication involves personal interactions between senior management and employees, as well as among colleagues. Face-to-face communication is gaining increased significance, with its content and processes tailored to meet the specific needs of both senior management and employees. According to Clampitt (2013), personal communication stands out as the most effective form, serving multiple purposes simultaneously. It not only disseminates information but also encourages interaction, interprets data, and holds influence. Meetings and face-to-face discussions foster an environment where communication partners provide feedback to each other.
Moreover, direct communication establishes the groundwork for employee integration, engagement, guidance, and support. Internal communication embraces various formats, including events, feedback sessions, business conferences, town hall meetings, talks with the CEO, employee meetings, and other formats. Depending on the organization's goals, objectives, and activities, the internal communication department should determine the most suitable format for the prevailing circumstances.
In conclusion, internal communication emerges as a cornerstone discipline within any organization or company. Its three core areas—intranet as a communication platform, magazines and printed services, and personal communication—should be holistically developed and utilized. The success of every organization or company begins internally with well-informed, motivated, and engaged employees.
Clampitt, P.G. (2013) Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness. Problems – Strategies – Solutions. 5th ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Mast, C. (2016) „Kommunikation mit den Mitarbeitern“, in Unternehmenskommunikation. Konstanz und München: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 286 – 292

Written by Liudmila Kazak